Return Policy

Lokkna is a person-to-person transaction platform and does not have products to sell. Therefore a return policy does not apply to our services. However, we encourage buyers to perform due diligence to ensure they receive the goods and services they have transacted. Lokkna does not tolerate scamming, and violators will be removed from the platform and reported to law enforcement if necessary. Please refer to our reporting policy.

Lokkna Reporting Policy:

We encourage all our users to rate their experience on the platform. A user with a lower rating and complaints of poor customer service has one opportunity to improve. Failure to improve could lead to suspension and or ban from the platform. Posting, misleading advertisements to boost traffic, or illegal activities are prohibited on Lokkna and must be reported to our customer support services and/or relevant authorities. Any user engaged in illegal activities shall be banned from using the platform. Please report any suspicious ads or activities, and let's keep Lokkna safe for all users. Lokkna encourages users to rate their experience and improve customer service if complaints arise. Misleading advertisements or illegal activities are not permitted and must be reported to Lokkna's customer support or relevant authorities. Any user engaged in illegal activities will be banned from the platform. Users should report any suspicious ads or activities to keep the platform safe for all.

Lokkna Dispute Resolution Procedures

Lokkna dispute resolution procedures Disputes may arise in any business setting, and the same applies to social media marketplaces like Lokkna. In order to avoid disputes, it's essential to make your terms of transactions very clear before engaging in a transaction. This includes details such as the price, the condition of the goods or services being exchanged, and any applicable deadlines or requirements. If a dispute arises, follow the steps outlined below, including communicating with the other party, reviewing the terms of service, contacting Lokkna support, providing evidence, and following any resolution offered. Keep in mind that Lokkna is not responsible for the actions and inactions of parties involved in a dispute that originated from doing business on the platform. Therefore, taking all necessary precautions to protect yourself and avoid disputes when using the Lokkna platform is important.

Here Are Five Steps For Dispute Resolution Lokkna Suggests

1.Communicate with the other party: The first step is to contact the other party involved in the dispute and try to resolve the issue. Be calm, polite, and try to understand their perspective.

2.Review the terms of service: Review the terms of service & the transaction agreement between you and the other party to ensure that you follow the agreed-upon dispute resolution procedures.

3.Contact Lokkna support: If you cannot resolve the dispute on your own, contact Lokkna support. We can try to resolve the issue.

Provide evidence: Provide evidence that supports your position in the dispute, such as receipts, messages, or other documentation.

Follow the resolution: If Lokkna support provides a resolution, make sure to follow it. If the dispute is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may need to consider other options, such as legal action.